What is an allograft bone graft, and how is it used in dental surgery?
Most professionals are already aware that an allograft is, by definition, a biological substance which comes from another human being. The principal advantage to using an allograft for implant dentistry is that the cells tend to fuse without difficulty to existing bone, promoting further growth and strengthening the surrounding tissues.
Here at Surgikor, we offer bone grafting materials in a variety of forms, including cortical, cancellous, and a mixture of both. We also offer non-allograft materials which originate from bovine tissue and can be used in a variety of external applications.
High quality allograft bone grafts aren’t always cheap, but they have consistently shown themselves to be effective tools in the placement and healing of dental implant sites. To learn more and get your hands on our preferred suite of allograft products, please contact us today.