One of the interesting aspects of dental implantology and bone grafting is soft tissue aesthetics and restoration. As dental surgeons gain more expertise in this discipline, patients increasingly expect a seamless look when the procedure is complete.
This recent article addresses some of the remaining milestones in soft tissue technique, and explores the state of the process today. The researchers’ conclusion is appropriately positive, given how far we have come:
Our treatment modalities have evolved from socket compression post-extraction, to socket preservation with an aim to enhance the eventual peri-implant soft tissue . . .With newer research modalities, such as cyto-detachment technology, and cutting-edge bioengineering solutions (possibly a soft-tissue-implant construct) which might be available in the near future for enhancing soft tissue, we are certainly in an exciting era in dentistry.
If you’d like to deliver outstanding results both medically and cosmetically, you’ll need to work with the proper materials. Check here for our industry-leading allograft bone grafting kits, including collagen products, plugs, membranes and more.