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Understanding Allograft Bone Grafts for Dental Surgery

Dental surgery involves a number of biological systems, from the bone and gums to the mucosa and muscles. Maintaining a sterile and stable work environment during procedures such as dental implantology can be a challenge without the proper materials in place. Bone grafting materials are essential to dental implant procedures for precisely this reason: they provide stability where it is sorely needed.

It is widely known that tooth loss can lead to bone loss. Dental implants require a sound base for drilling and implanting, which is why bone grafting materials may be required to set the staging area for the procedure. Different grafting materials have different properties, offering various levels of rigidity and porousness. Properly matching the graft to the job requires advanced training in the mechanics of dental implantology.

Allograft bone grafting materials are a common substance of choice for dental surgeons. These powdered products offer broad versatility in both shaping and packing, giving patients the best chance at increasing their strength and ingrowth before, during, and after the procedure.

Our allograft bone grafts give you the industry standard for quality and consistency. If your dental practice wants to supply patients with superior materials that will last a lifetime, Surgikor bone grafting materials are your best bet. Start here to order your own supply today.

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Dental Instruments Primer: Bone Grafting Material

Understanding the various categories of dental instruments is essential if you want to make wise investments for your practice. Oral surgeons tend to use a variety of blades, membranes and surgical guides in their work, and choosing the right tool for the job is the first important decision of any procedure.

When it comes to medical substances such as bone grafting materials, things can get a little confusing. What exactly is the difference between cortical cancellous and merely cancellous, and how should you determine which bone grafting kit to use for each dental implant case?

This website offers some detailed resources that explain the difference between different types of bone grafts, and offers a few basic guidelines about when each is likely to be indicated. Depending on the type of stability, bone growth and recovery you desire, you may even want to use two or more graft materials on different surgical sites within the same patient.

Start here to read about allograft bone grafting materials in Los Angeles, and feel free to contact us with any questions about the medical properties, advantages and distinctions of each type. When you’re ready to purchase, we’re standing by.